Monday, July 31, 2006

Work In Progress Update

  • Tangled strands of floss - numerous
  • Times stitching ripped out and tried again - too often
  • Amount of times lace has ripped from edge of handkerchief from strain of being pulled taut in embroidery hoops that are supposed to be keeping the work taut without you pulling on it - once
  • Amount of times color of floss has been deemed utterly and completely unacceptable - 3
  • Amount of times the recognition of the extra work involved in changing unacceptable floss has lead to new appreciation for previously unpalatable floss - 3
  • Times needle has pricked sensitive skin on thumb or forefinger - 4
  • Times unladylike exclamations were made about needle's character and ancestry - 4

Summation of work-in-progress? Difficult at best, rating an "orange" on the "Work-in-Progress Frustration Scale". Stay tuned for further updates . . .


Anonymous said...

Ooh, Mary you crack me up! Wait a minute, isn't it the process and not the product we are to value and enjoy? Hmmm, maybe not.. I can't wait to see what you're working on....Here's a reassuring pat on the back-you can do it! Love, Angie

Anonymous said...

Set of handkercheifs and tea for dying: $7.63

Embroidery floss, needles and hoop to create handcrafted masterpiece: $8.47

Saving your sanity by purchasing already completed, overvalued vintage handkercheifs from snooty antique store: priceless :)